View Dashboard warns of pending certificate expiry

By | March 23, 2015

This is one of the benefits of running a home lab with a production like deployment. You get to see and experience things which helps you appreciate more on the operations of the environment you design and build.

A couple days ago, my View Connection Server started to give a yellow alert in the dashboard. Most of the times you would either see Green or Red, and it was my first to see a Yellow.

Diving into the issue, it reveals that View Administrator was reminding the admins that the SSL certificate was about to expire. Looks like the warning comes up about a month ahead of the expiry date, which should be ample time for most environments. This is a nice little feature which many should appreciate, rather than caught by surprise when users complain that they are getting SSL errors.


2 thoughts on “View Dashboard warns of pending certificate expiry

  1. Jketels

    This “feature” was already present in previous versions 🙂

    1. Jason Yeo Post author

      That’s great! I wasn’t suggesting it is a new feature in View 6.1. It just so happened that my instance is already 6.1 when I got this, and took a screen shot.


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